Reflexology Therapy Islington, North London

Price List - Reflexology, Highbury and Islington,Newington Green, Stoke Newington N16, North London

Price List:

* Reflexology Initial Consultation (including A Treatment) - 75 mins - £75

* Reflexology Treatments -60 mins £70 - 75 mins - £75:-

* Spinal Reflexology - 60 mins £70 - 75 mins - £75

* Maternity Reflexology - 60 mins £70 - 75 mins £75

* Facial Zone Rejuvenation Reflexology - £80 - 60 mins

*. Reflexology Foot Massage - 30 mins - £50

*. Indian Head Massage (Champissage) - 40 mins - £55

Combination Treatments available on request e.g. back massage/reflexology; head massage/reflexology and are usually approximately 75 minutes - please e-mail or telephone to discuss further.

24 Hour Cancellation Policy (or full payment required).

Payment by cheque, cash or bank transfer.

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